
DupontStu­dios, Wash­ing­ton, DC
Sep­tem­ber 2014 – Present

We help orga­ni­za­tions cre­ate films and develop soft­ware by using lean prac­tices grounded in our own start-up expe­ri­ences. We know that regard­less of how good an idea is, exe­cu­tion mat­ters most. And exe­cu­tion requires cross dis­ci­pli­nary skills. At DupontStu­dios I use my knowl­edge of design and the world to help cre­ate iden­ti­ties, dig­i­tal envi­ron­ments and web­sites that fit the needs of each client and their audience.

Design Direc­tor
And North
August 2013 – Present

And North is a curated guide to upstate NY, a blog that aims to intro­duce cre­ative indi­vid­u­als to the vibrant land­scape and cul­ture of towns/regions north of New York City. As a pas­sion project the team works together to develop all aspects of And North and how it relates to the com­mu­ni­ties it is try­ing to sup­port. As Design Direc­tor, I pol­ish the strong con­cepts, aes­thetic tastes and voices of And North into grace­ful com­po­si­tions, shapes and objects. Though we all have our spe­cial­ties to guide the process along, every mem­ber of the team has hands in every role, the project is a true collaboration.

Co-Founder, Part­ner
CRIMINAL, Brook­lyn, NY
April 2012 – Present

A col­lab­o­ra­tive design mind­fuck extrav­a­ganza with Chris­t­ian Tor­res and I at the helm.

Designer & Illustrator
VIS­ITvor­tex, High­land, NY
Feb­ru­ary 2012 – Present

Design of edi­to­r­ial lay­outs, illus­tra­tion for arti­cles, type­set­ting of text and arrange­ment of pho­tog­ra­phy. Help in the design and place­ment of adver­tise­ments. Update web­page with new arti­cles, code the web ver­sion with styling that feels like the design from the printed mag­a­zine. Design tem­plates, assist in con­tent gen­er­a­tion and send out eblasts.

Teacher’s Assis­tant — Typography
Aleanna Luethi-Gar­recht, SUNY New Paltz, NY
Fall 2011

Cri­tique stu­dent work, prob­lem-solve with stu­dents, help with day to day activ­i­ties, take atten­dance, install and doc­u­ment stu­dent work, trou­bleshoot tech­ni­cal soft­ware issues, con­struct new project briefs, reor­ga­nize project files and his­tory lec­tures. Learned how to spur par­tic­i­pa­tion, keep stu­dents on task and encour­age deep research through exploration.

Graphic Design Representative
Stu­dent Art Alliance (SAA), SUNY New Paltz, NY
Fall 2011

Retrieve artist lec­turer (Tim Good­man) and guide through activ­i­ties planned. Co-ordi­na­tion of Graphic Design program’s Open House and cre­ation of posters to rep­re­sent event. Orga­ni­za­tion and adver­tise­ment of events that SAA has planned.

Stu­dent Researcher — Sum­mer Under­grad­u­ate Research Expe­ri­ence (SURE)
Amy Papaelias as men­tor, SUNY New Paltz, NY
Per­son­aType: Liv­ing Type Specimens
Sum­mer 2011

Researched how the per­son­al­ity of a type­face can be shown in a web envi­ron­ment by using recorded voice, Web Type and CSS3 ani­ma­tion. Explored how the con­tent, con­text and treat­ment of a type­face can shift its per­son­al­ity rad­i­cally. Learned how to work on a strict sched­ule, write abstracts and per­form high level research. (

Stu­dent Graphic Assistant
Design, Print & Mail Depart­ment, SUNY New Paltz, NY
May 2010 – Decem­ber 2011

Received projects from the Cam­pus as well as out­side of Cam­pus. Learned how to fol­low forms stan­dards, work in an office envi­ron­ment, kept track of work­flow and a vari­ety of design-office related tasks such as send­ing files to print. Learned the impor­tance of proof­ing and how a proof­ing sys­tem can work.


Fall 2009 – Fall 2011
State Uni­ver­sity of New York at New Paltz, NY
Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design — Magna Cum Laude

Fall 2007 – Spring 2009
State Uni­ver­sity of New York at Jamestown, NY
Fine Arts/Studio Arts


[Tech­ni­cal Skills]
Design: Typog­ra­phy, Color The­ory, Grid Struc­tures, Lay­out, Sto­ry­board­ing, Brand­ing, Animation
Soft­ware: Adobe Cre­ative Suite (Pho­to­shop, Illus­tra­tor, InDe­sign, Dreamweaver, After Effects), Rhi­noc­eros, Mac & Win­dows, CSS & HTML, WordPress
Pho­tog­ra­phy: Tra­di­tional and Dig­i­tal Photography
Hand­work: Hand draw­ing, Illus­tra­tion, Bookbinding


AIGA (NY Chapter)
Feb­ru­ary 2011 – Present

Design Soci­ety (SUNY New Paltz)
Founded Spring 2011 – Present


Spoke: Type­face for Kinetic Typography
BFA The­sis Exhi­bi­tion, SUNY New Paltz, NY
Spring 2011

The Best Stu­dent Design­ers in the Cap­i­tal District”
Times Union, Albany, NY — Doug Bartow
April 2011


Magna Cum Laude
SUNY New Paltz
Fall 2011

Dean’s List
SUNY Jamestown & SUNY New Paltz
Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011 and Fall 2011.

Renais­sance Man Award
SUNY Jamestown Stu­dent Art Show
Spring 2009

For excel­lence in art, one award was given to encom­pass all cat­e­gories of an art show. I was given this award to show my con­tin­ued accom­plish­ments in my sub­mis­sions to the stu­dent exhi­bi­tion in all medi­ums I had worked in.


Ref­er­ences are avail­able upon request