VISITvortex Guide 2013

[project descrip­tion:]
VIS­ITvor­tex’s mis­sion is to help stim­u­late the local econ­omy by pro­mot­ing and intro­duc­ing the faces behind inde­pen­dently owned busi­nesses and orga­ni­za­tions. As a com­mu­nity, we sup­port each other by shop­ping locally and by expe­ri­enc­ing all that this area has to offer. VIS­ITvor­tex is a cel­e­bra­tion of each sea­son and a visual dis­play of the Catskills and Hud­son Valley’s trea­sures in print, online, and through video. As the designer I fol­low the cre­ative lead of Melissa Hewitt to cre­ate lay­outs and other design work for edi­to­r­ial, col­lat­eral and web related mate­ri­als (email newslet­ters, web ver­sions of the mag­a­zine arti­cles, new updated web­site design).

 Spring ∴ 

 Summer ∴ 

 Autumn ∴ 

 Winter ∴