And North

[project descrip­tion:]
And North is a curated guide to upstate NY, a blog that aims to intro­duce cre­ative indi­vid­u­als to the vibrant land­scape and cul­ture of towns/regions north of New York City. As a pas­sion project the team works together to develop all aspects of And North and how it relates to the com­mu­ni­ties it is try­ing to sup­port. All of the team is from dif­fer­ent parts North of NYC and we love get­ting out and up there to explore and share what we see and who we meet.

We have many ongo­ing projects that I work on as Design Direc­tor. We have our web­site, a weekly email newslet­ter, town guides, post cards as well as other printed mate­ri­als that we present at the events we devise and/or spon­sor. Our brand is ever evolv­ing and see­ing where it takes us and how it can adapt is very exciting.

Please visit and join us on our adven­ture at